The life that is….me!

Wife, Mum to 6 and a friend to many
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September 7th, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Oh dear…naughty Kim and neglecting the blog AGAIN!!

Lemme think whats gone on since last posting. I wrote about the accident. I started physio but had to stop as i couldn’t afford to pay $100 a week. My shoulder and neck kill everyday but i just suffer in silence.

Mum came down at the start of July for a week to help around home and visit. Was nice to see her and she was able to meet Ben and also spend sometime with the kids.

I also started my Aged Care and HACC course….of which Ive now quit as i hated it so much and struggled with the work load.

August seen Craig head OS to America for 2 weeks.

Whilst he was OS, Kathy came down to watch the kids. I ended up with a chest infection, she was very sick as well. Kathy flew home on Saturday 20th and ended up in hospital with pneumonia.

Craig also became sick and in the end, ended up in MMC with confirmed swine flu :O

The kids stayed with us for a bit over a week. In that time i became sick and was tested for swine, but fortunately came back negative. I had glandular fever and severe tonsilitis.

Fathers Day just past as well, the girls made Craig something at school in pottery class.

I have now also enrolled Miss C into prep…OMG shes off to school next year!!!

Chelsea also had an Anaphylaxis episode a few weeks back when she was staying over the weekend. We ended up at MMC Emergency for 5 hours. The doctors were still unsure what caused it.

Ive been going through a tough time of late. Problems with Ben, my health, my mental state and also with other personal issues with Craig and the kids. Im just so over everything. I’m off to my Dr tomorrow, no doubt ill have a big cry 🙁

Oh and i also got new glasses!

Car Accident – 30th June

July 12th, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Well Thursday 30th June was going well until Craig, myself and the 3 kids were on the way to Chelsea’s swimming lesson. Zachery was being a bugger and wouldnt keep his arms in the belt. Usually we’d pull over, but this night we didnt 

The road we were on is speed limited to 80km/h. We were approaching a set of lights and ours was GREEN. A car that was turning right (opposite side of the rd) turned and i thought, wow, run the red why dont ya. Next thing we knew, another car turned and SLAM. Craig had tried breaking but it was to late. We hit her doing 70km/h.

Chelsea was screaming and crying. All i could think of was Zach and his arms out of the belt. What felt like a million people had stopped and raced over to us and got the kids out. All 3 were ok, Zachery had been laughing and smiling.

Craig was able to get out of the car, i wasnt. A passer by had stopped, lucky for me, she was a nurse. While all this was going on, black smoke was pouring into the car as the airbags had gone off. My door had to be forced open so the nurse could get in.

Craig handed me the phone to call Ben. He got from our place to the scene in just over 3 minutes (of a 15+ minute drive). I later found out he thought i was joking about the accident as i didnt want him going out that night, but once he heard my voice starting to change, he knew i was very serious.

The kids had gone with people that had stopped, Zach was charming the female cops 

Police, and firies were arriving all the time. Finally the Paramedics arrived. One officer assessed the kids, Chelsea had ‘damage’ to her neck and had to be collared but due to it not being a paediatric Ambulance, it was to big. Jasmine and Zachery got the all clear.

The other officer came to me. I was given a cannula and morphine. As well as a green stick (Pethadine). I was high as a kite. All i wanted to do was get out and smash the stupid bitch in the other car. Another Ambo was called for back up but was going to take over an hour to arrvie. Craig, Chelsea and me went in one Ambo to the hospital. Chelsea talked the whole way and told the officer off for not wearing his seatbelt. At one point i began getting chest pains so we had to stop so monitors could be placed on me.

Zach and Jas went with Ben and Kendyl.

We were taken to Dandy hospital. Chelsea was checked out and given the all clear as well.

My shirt had been burnt from the seatbelt and stuck to me so my clothes had to be cut off. Damn wearing my nice top that day!

I was sent for x-rays where a small internal bleed was found, but would heal itself. I was then given more morphine for the pain.

Ben came in with the kids and they were so scared to see me bleeding and in so much pain. Zach just wanted cuddles and kisses from me

Craig has a very purple and swollen finger and hand, bruising to his stomach and alot of shoulder/neck pain. Im sure i dont need to explain my injuries, FB pics have clearly demonstrated that. The girls both have a small amount of whiplash to their necks from the belts. Zachery has a small bruise on his face and a tiny bruise on his tummy from the belt clicker bit.

My neck is healing well, its still sore but least its not weeping anymore, but scabbed. I have to put hydrating cream on it every few hours, and sadly ive been told it will scar for life. My bruising in some parts is still purple, while in others, turning yellow or hardly noticeable.

I went for a drive with Ben in the car 3 days after the accident, i had tears and so scared at lights. I drove at least 20km/h slower then the limit. Since then ive been driving alone and now extra cautious of what’s around me.

We have also launched a TAC (Traffic Accident Commission) claim to have expenses paid.

All in all we were very lucky to have walked away alive and not seriously injured.

I started physio yesterday and will be seen twice a week until further notice.

The car was written off

Back to study i goooo

June 23rd, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Next month ill be starting 2 certificate 3 courses.

1. Aged Care

2. Home & community Care

Full time course, 1 day per week i go to class and the rest is at home. After that i do 150 hours in a aged care facility.

Happy dirty 30…

June 23rd, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Happy Belated (only a few days late this time) to Craig!

Hope you had a great day out for lunch and enjoyed your night out as well 🙂


Hit 20+ Kilos lost!!

June 23rd, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Finally after 6 months i hit the ‘over 20kg’ mark…ive now lost 21.3kg and dropped 2 dress sizes. Im so proud of myself, the other day i purchased jeans from Kmart….ive not been able to shop in ‘normal’ people shops in AGES!!!!!


Mothers Day 2011

June 23rd, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Mothers Day his year the girls decided we should go to Kids space in Hallam for the morning. Was an ok day but so expensive. What made my day was the gorgeous cards and gifts that were made for me:

Ohhhh Dear…

June 23rd, 2011 Posted in Announcements

Sorry Blog for neglecting you…and my readers who have been left wondering!!!!!

I have alot of catching up to do….but something tells me im going to be skipping alot of stuff as i cannot remember whats been going on 🙁

April 2024

