The life that is….me!

Wife, Mum to 6 and a friend to many
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Wash, Wash, Wash

October 23rd, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Today i decided i’d sort out bub’s clothes and give them a wash. Turns out this child has more clothes than Craig and me put together!! Heres me thinking we had hardly any clothes for it when it arrived.

Had a quite weekend. Saturday we were going to the baby expo but weather was miserable and i just couldn’t be bothered going, so we stayed home and done a few things round the house. Shane and Mick came over in the afternoon bearing flowers, gifts for bub and cheesecake all the make me feel better (after having such a bad day on Friday where i’d cry for no reason and was generally in a low mood). Had a good chat and some dinner.

Sunday Craig and i done some washing (of our own, there was enough of it). Some yard work and we met up with Rachel for a milkshake and chit chat. She is really nice and friendly. Happy to have met some one from around here on the same level as me…lol.

Cleaned the house so i didn’t have as much to do today. Just have spare bed to make up and the washing up…which keeps growing every time i seem to look at it!

Hospital Visit

October 20th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

I had to go see the hospital on Wednesday. First i seen a midwife who took all my medical history and talked a bit about the hospital and maternity ward. Explained all the services i had on offer to me now and after the birth. She was very nice and helpful. Made us feel very relaxed and at ease.

Next we seen the OB on duty. She was a bit of a fairy and i wasn’t really that keen on her but she was still ok. Took my blood pressure and it had come a teeny tiny bit since my first visit to the doctors last week. No protein was present in urine either. Measured bub, not to big, not to small but just right. Mentioned all my lower tummy pains but she was not concerned and just said that it was because the head is down low.

Booked in to the clinic again next Wednesday for another check up and to make sure all is going well.

This Saturday Craig and i are off the to Pregnancy, babies and childrens expo in Melbourne. Hopefully get a few freebies and some useful information.

Sunday i’m meeting up with Rachel, a girl i speak with on the babies forum, she lives around the corner from us. Her bubba is due in March 2007.


October 17th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Craig and I went back to the doctors last night. Only thing that’s improved is the swelling. Feet are pretty much normal, a little swelling is all that remains. The urine tests come back ok and nothing to worry about at all. HOWEVER the blood pressure was an issue. When we first arrived my BP was 136/96 which is a little on the high side, so doctor told me to lay down hoping it would help and it would decrease. Wrong!! It rocketed up to 140/105 which is extremely high. Doctor then got me to do another urine sample to make sure everything was still ok, in which case it was.

Dr explained that the reason why the BP keeps rising it that my immune system is rejecting or fighting with the placenta. The only way to decrease the BP is to remove the placenta, which indeed means removing the baby, so an early delivery :(

At 33 weeks its a good milestone to have a baby, they are developed enough to survive on their own, and some wont need humid-i-cribs, some will. Also does not mean id need to have a c-section if i was to deliver early. In a lot of cases you can still have a normal birth, but if theres dangers or complications then a c-section would definitely be used.

Dr is calling Monash hospital this morning to see if they can get me in earlier then next Friday to see me, or if they have alternative ideas on what they wish for me to do. That is: deliver early?

Will keep everyone posted on the outcome :)

Goodbyes and off to work

October 12th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Today Mum, Renee, Rhiannon and Brendan headed off. They were leaving on Friday but i think after my ‘moods’ on Tuesday night they decided to leave early. Mum told me it was because they wanted to head off to Balarat before heading home. That’s ok though. i appreciated the help they gave, i cant help it if they may have taken offence to my foul mood, i was happy to do everything alone while they rested and took it easy. But i guess they took it as a negative ‘insult’ towards them… not to sure. Does not matter now….they have gone and I’m sure enjoying their trip back to sunny (and not quite so hot NSW).

Craig also had to go into work….Wasn’t meant to until Monday so this upset me a lot. First my family go and then he does. Not to mention once again I’m like a power puff balloon.

12.30 pm i headed up to the doctors. Explained id just moved and last few days i had been suffering severe headaches, pains down my right side, back pain, feet were swollen so much i had no ankles and lil stubby toes pointing out, and my stomach was aching beyond belief.

He took one look at my feet and wrists and began to worry. Done blood pressure was 130/85. The highest i have had this whole Pg, again he said its very high, but any thing under 140 is still ok but will need to be monitored very closely. Done a urine test where he found 1+ of protein as well as some cultures, so now its being sent off to be further tested. Fundal height was at 33cm which is good. At first he couldn’t find a heart beat and i began to worry, but bub was laying face down (or back up to my tummy), made it hard, so Dr was prodding and it turned enough for him to get a heart beat of 152.

Other then that Dr found no real worries but wants to see me again on Monday to talk through test results and check blood pressure and swelling again.

Revenge of Bub

October 12th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Wednesday-OUCH. Bub had not approved of my late night antics and was having revenge once again. My back was killing, my side was aching and my feet and wrists were like balloons. When Renee and Mum got home from town they demanded i see a Dr straight away. I went to a few but were all booked up until today (Thursday). Made an appointment for 12.30pm.

Monash Medical Centre in Clayton also got in contact with me and im now booked into that hospital. Have an appointment on 27th OCtober with the Doctor and midwife.

Took it easy all day, unpacked a total of 1 box :( But did however get the grocery shopping done thanks to mum who paid for me.

We all had an early night, Mum and the gang were heading off the next day.

Stage 2 of the move-Tuesday 10th

October 12th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Tuesday seen mum, Rhiannon, Brendan and me head for Melbourne. At 6.30am we were walking out the door. Was the hardest thing i think i have ever had to do….leave my dad. I knew i was going to get upset. As he kissed Mum, Rhi and Brendan bye i knew my turn was coming up as well. I took one look at him and burst. Hugging him like i was leaving for good, tears flowing like a river. Was so hard, but knew i had to be strong. Reassuring him his grandchild had no choice but to come out soon, i would be seeing him with in a month or 2 no matter what. I think it is hard on dad, Renee is 4 hours away, in the same state, heres me, his baby, 9 hours and a new state away. Sure theres the phone, but nothing beats being able to see a human life in the flesh.

Hopping in the car and driving down the road all i could do was picture the sadness in his eyes and face. I hope he is going to be ok, cos i sure as hell miss him so much already. Dad has been so good to me and now he is so far away.

Any how, we jetted off. Stopping at Yass, Holbrook and Glenrowan on the way for food, fuel or much needed toilet and leg stretching breaks.

Finaly arrived ‘home’ around 5pm. Some unpacking had been done. I was tired and in pain but knew i must begin on the unpacking. I got on every ones nerves, didn’t want their help, refused it when they offered. I just wanted to get in and do it, and the others could rest and relax. Once they had all gone to bed i was able to stop my macho women attitude and ‘show’ pain. Headed to bed around 1.30 am, with some unpacking done, but was disappointed in not having more completed.

The big move-Monday 9th

October 12th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Monday seen the truck arrive a tad late…..9.45am….was meant to be between 7-8am….

Renee and Craig headed off for Melbourne with the cats, while mum, Rhinannon, Brendan and I stayed behind to clean the house. The truck left around 2.30pm with most of the stuff, minus a few things which are being sent on another load next week.

When we left the old house it looked spotless. Was sad to leave it, knowing we were never returning to it, but instead going to a new place, new town and away from every one.

That night i called Craig to see how the cats went in the travel, all went well, no nasty mess through the car, all behaved (helped by the valium our vet gave us to calm them down). They were settling in very nicely and were up to usual tricks of climbing on everything :)

We had an early night of 9.30pm ready for our big adventure the next day….and the 5am wake up.

Results are in…

September 29th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

All GOOD news! Results come back great, and nothing wrong with my levels :)

So that’s a relief for both Craig and I. Finally have print outs of all my pathology tests ready for a hospital in Melbourne.

The packing is slowly getting there, but the place still looks as if we have packed nothing! I do know it looks as if a bomb as hit it, junk everywhere…..its a complete mess.

Today is Craigs last day at Ace, I’m sure he will miss everyone there as they all have been so great to him.

The weekend BBQ is off because as per usual, all my friends had some excuse as to why they couldn’t make it, but that’s ok, i know i tried to see them all. Their loss, not mine in the long run. I wont be making any special trips up here to see any of them once i move.

Had Curves weigh in yesterday…i will not even bother with the outcome cos all the numbers went UP and UP!!

Another birthday for the month was Daniel on the 27th for my brother in law (Renee’s Hubby). HAPPY BIRTHDAY Daniel :)

10 days til we move :D

Whats new….

September 25th, 2006 Posted in Announcements

Dads birthday was on Friday 22nd September. HAPPY BIRTHDAY :)

We got a house in Berwick, not the one we liked the most but still a nice house.

This weekend with a bit of luck, some of my friends will come over so we can have a nice BBQ and catch up before we leave. If not, ah well, i know i have made the effort to say farewell before we move. I will miss everyone alot, but will come up now and then to see them, or luck might see them come down to us…lol.

With bad weather yesterday we lost power for 17 hours and lost a few of our tropical fish :(

We also lost our fridge/freezer full of food. We had only just been shopping as well. When we left we had power, and returned to nothing.

Thats about all.

Oh, and i go back to the doctors today for my blood results. Hopefully it wont be GD but just have to wait and see, and if it is deal with it.

May 2024

